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New opportunities!

Friends and family,

We have several pieces of good news this month! Let's get right on it.

First, congratulations to our current behavior tech and office assistant Fatimata, who is getting married this month! We thank you for all your hard work these last 6 months at ABA Senegal and wish you nothing but best wishes and happiness in the coming years. Thank you for sticking with us through thick and thin.

Second, we're happy to announce that Adair will be participating in the annual Congress on Autism in Africa this April, held in Accra, Ghana. News and developments to come. April will be BIG month for information-gathering and lessons in best practice in this setting. There will be a large ABA presence this year. Adair would like to thank a certain anonymous donor from Washington State who made this trip possible.

Third, in light of our recent discouraging news that the BACB will no longer be certifying individuals outside of North America, a brand new, international grassroots credentialing association has sprung up out of the ashes! This new organization has called itself the International Behavior Analyst Organization, or IBAO. The IBAO will be providing behavior analyst certifications at similar parameters as the BACB of North America. Check out it's professional advisory board full of interesting people.

With fresh optimism in place, we shoulder on. Until next time,

Your ABA Senegal team

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