How It Works
Below is a step-by-step guide to our treatment process.
This process is used for all learning environments: home, school, and within our therapy rooms.
1. Information & Intake
Meeting #1 - We give families an explanation of our services, and ask a few preliminary questions about their child. If they are interested, we present our therapy options.
Meeting #2 - The family settles on a package option, including home and/or school settings, and who will act as interventionist/aide. More information is given, and intake begins:
We ask the family some information about themselves and their child
We present treatment contracts to sign and go over policies
We conduct a developmental test to help create learning goals. This may take multiple meetings.
Meeting #3
Scores of the development test are given​
A formal observation of the child is carried out
Together, the clinician and the family put together a list of learning goals for their child, which will include both present and future goals.
2. Acquiring an Interventionist
3. Behaviors assessments, observations, staff meetings
2. An interventionist must be hired, who will be trained and supervised by the BCBA clinician to conduct daily therapy or act as an aide in school. Families have two options:
The family finds and hires an interventionist themselves (this can even be a family member!). We can train anyone, though we prefer to train individuals who have some experience playing and spending time with children with mental disabilities.
The clinician finds and hires the interventionist. We also occasionally have experienced interventionists who are available. The interventionist's salary will be added on to the family's total bill for this option.
3. Meanwhile, the clinician will begin to observe the child in their environment(s), play with them, and learn about their likes, dislikes, strengths, and further needs. Meetings may need to occur with teachers and school staff if school support is needed. If some behaviors need to be reduced (such as aggression or disruptions at school), a functional assessment will be carried out during separate appointments.
4. Interventionist Training
The family receives a full Intervention Plan from the clinician, including the recommended intensity.
Therapy/school support begins. Interventionist training occurs on the job and is usually complete within 4 weeks.
5. Regular Therapy & Parent Services
The child receives therapy and support at the agreed schedule.
The Interventionist receives weekly supervision from the clinician.
Regular family meetings are carried out for consultation, updates, and ABA training.
Families receive a full treatment progress report and updated plan every 3-6 months.
Developmental and intervention assessments are conducted every 6 months.