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Thank you to our donors!

It's crunch-time here at ABA Senegal: We are preparing our staff for their online RBT courses that begin this Saturday! They are still working with the children here at the center and in homes, so everyone is quite busy! A big, heartfelt thank you to all who donated to our GoFundMe campaign during the last 7 days. We couldn't do this without you.

"Two bright young women in Dakar, Senegal, have been offered the opportunity to train as autism therapists via a three-month online training in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Let's help them out! 

Raised funds will be going towards ABA Senegal, a registered nonprofit in Senegal, West Africa, devoted to helping autism families and supporting local educators. Our stars Reine and Fatimata have each been working at ABA Senegal for one year. 

Reine and Fatimata have both shown extraordinary commitment, professionalism, and sensitivity to their jobs, and have both devoted long hours to the children of Dakar. They deserve a pathway upwards in their careers. Continuing education can bring a world of change to both their own lives and the lives of the children they work with every single day.

Courses start in the beginning of October 2020 and end December 10th. Let's get them started.


Additional information:

ABA Senegal is a registered nonprofit in Senegal that serves families and their children with autism. ABA Senegal seeks to promote and facilitate training opportunities to those working with children with autism in French-speaking African countries, where ABA therapy materials and training are still non-existant. Nearly all ABA resources are in English.

With only 1 mental health professional for every 100,000 people in Senegal (reported by the WHO), children with disabilities in this developing West African country do not usually have access to therapies or other supports. We hope that this can change.

This training opportunity has been announced by the EDS Learning Institute, which has recently created a new entry-level ABA training in French (and online!). This training includes a practicum and will terminate in a therapist competency assessment and exam, resulting in an RBT certificate. This is the certificate that is required in the United States to work in a therapeutic ABA setting with children with autism. The opportunity to maintain this educational quality here in Senegal is one that cannot be missed!"


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